The History of Forex Trading
Old people say: “Only those who know their past can create good future”. Well, what a great proverb! Do you agree? And, looking back to the world history – it really works! So we can use it to nearly every part of our life. Including our business of course. Every person who is serious in his intentions to get to the top with Forex should definitely know the foreign exchange market – or simply saying Forex history. Do you know Forex History well? If no, than you’re on the right track to find out all of the Forex History just for you here.

Exchange Market Started in Babylon
Let’s go back into the past. I mean, really back – to the times of Babylon, where first trades started their existing. Of course, no money! Can you imagine that the Forex history started there and then? Barter system worked ok for ancient people, like, you bring the hog from hunting and your family already has something to eat. So you can give the hog to someone and get… Uhmm, for example the arrows - to protect your home. It’s hard to imagine, but, things like feathers, teeth and stones were exchangeable too. So, the little exchange market in the ancient times! Like, you are from one tribe and changing your teeth for feathers from other tribe. Hey, that’s already a foreign exchange market! Right? You may not agree but it really started like this.
Then, when materials like silver, gold, bronze were found and considered as the item of exchange, the market made the first step to start becoming just like one nowadays. Then, it went into making the coins out of those materials. They came before paper money in Middle Times. Now look what picture do we have? From exchanging hog for arrows, to having the paper money and coins as the objects of exchange. What a travel! Now, you sit right here – cause we’re gonna go further, straight to nearly First World War times where Forex History continues.
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